It is anticipated that St. Louis will play host to the Lucky Leaf Expo during the month of October 2023. They anticipate having more than one hundred exhibitors present, in addition to a number of different speakers speaking on themes that are pertinent to the industry.
Those individuals who are interested in taking part in the event as exhibitors or industry speakers can now choose from a selection of available options. For this particular event, there is a diverse selection of possibilities available to pick from in terms of both booths and sponsorships.
In the past, the event coordinator had a significant amount of influence over the level of success achieved at gatherings organized in the green business. Despite this, Lucky Leaf has been at the forefront of the industry in terms of successfully arranging and producing lucrative events for years. They have been a part of a number of shows that have been held all across the country, and these exhibits have helped both large and small businesses connect with the local public as well as other professionals working in the area.
You may read the schedule for the event on eventbrite or by clicking the link provided on the main website for Lucky Leaf.
If you have any interest in speaking at the event, whether it be in the capacity of an industry professional or as a representative of a company looking to display their wares, it would be in your best interest to get in touch with the staff at Lucky Leaf as soon as possible. If you have any interest in speaking at the event, it would be in your best interest. There is a high probability that all of the speaking slots will be taken.
Check out their site for more info about the event.

Angie Martinez is a writer for a number of different online publications.